Monday, October 14, 2013

Week 2

Hey everyone!!

Week two has been fantastic!! I loved getting to listen to General Conference with all the MTC. Every time that someone prayed for the missionaries or talked about missionaries this amazing feeling came over the entire room. Heavenly Father really loves his missionaries! I never realized how often people pray for missionaries and care for them until I became one. Even as we walk down the street in Provo people are constantly honking and waving at us because they are so happy to see us. Definitely not something you see in California ;)

So Saturday and Sunday we walked up the main MTC campus to watch General Conference. Then Monday was back to the regular schedule. In the morning we were supposed to go to the TRC for the first time to teach an investigator and so the Sisters in my district went into the room labeled TRC Office and no one was there! Some other Elders came in so we thought that we were in the right place. But still no one came, the Elders went and checked in other rooms in the same building to see where we were supposed to go but they were told we were in the right room. So after sitting there for 30 minutes we decided to leave. But of course, we get to class and the Elders in our district come in, apparently they had found it and guess where it was? On the top floor of the building we were in. Go figure :D Tuesday was pretty normal except we had a devotional up on the main campus instead of our evening class. Wednesday was pretty normal, but yesterday we got to go back up to the main campus for an In-Field Orientation. Pretty much it was to teach us about what how to work with members of the wards we will be serving in, find and contact people and how to set goals and plan based on the key indicators or stats they want us to report each week. We got up there at 8:00am and were there until about 6:00pm. Talk about a lot of class. But guess who I saw at dinner time! Aubrey Hatch!! You know, one of my roommates from last year? It was so exciting! I was just walking around getting my food and she walked by with some cups, it was a good thing she looked up, otherwise we probably would have missed each other completely. But it made me so happy to see her! I love it here but I loved getting to see a familiar face.

Well like I said we were supposed to go to the TRC on Monday, but don't worry we made it on Tuesday. Our investigator there is named Sarah. She is just this cute, little lady, and when I say little I mean little, she only comes up to about my elbow. She has the cutest Tennessee accent and she is always tell us how we are far too "bright-eyed and busy tailed for this early in morning", I die a little from happiness every time that she says it. We have only known her since Tuesday but I already love her so much. She knows that God loves His children and wants the best for them but she has trouble feeling that same love for herself. She had a rough life growing up and feels like God must be punishing her for something that she did when she was real little. As I was sitting there listening to her the story of the man born blind, who caused the disciples to ask Jesus if the man was born that way because of some sin of his own or of his parents, popped into my head. So I asked Sarah if she remembered the story, since she really knows her Bible, and after thinking about it she said that she did. I then asked her if she remembered what Christ said in response to his disciples. She said she didn't, so I shared with her that the in essence Christ said that the man was born with those problems and those trials so that the power of God could be shown through his healing. I then related the story to her by telling her that trials she experienced were allowed so that Christ could show His power of healing through her as she came closer to Him. She didn't say much but I could see a definite light of hope show up in her face. Another issue she was having was the death of her infant son years ago, she said that she has grown to accept that her son is with God again, she just didn't understand why he had to be taken so soon. I wanted to bad, right then and there to tell her about how she could be with her son again, but since it was the first visit I figured that would be a lot for her to take in. Instead I felt inspired to tell her that the reason her son was taken so soon was because God just missed him so much that He wanted her son back with Him in Heaven. She seemed real touched by that and said that she had never thought of it that way before and thanked me for saying it.
We also have taught our investigator Alex several times this week.  On Wednesday we had a lesson with him but we only had about 10 mins so we had to find a way to either shorten our planned lesson or to come up with a new one. In class that day we had learned about the importance of reading the Book of Mormon with our investigators so that they might learn to read it and gain inspiration and revelation from it. So as the lesson began Sister Ruekert was asking him about his family and what kinds of things he would want for his children. I was sitting there trying to think of what to do with the lesson when I remembered one of the soul searching questions they have in Preach My Gospel which was about how do I strengthen in my family, or something like that. I then thought about the suggested reading which is Mosiah 2, which I just barely had time before the lesson to skim the first few verses. So back to the lesson, Sister Ruekert was asking him about his family, as she was doing that I thought of that question and that chapter and how in verse 5 it talks about how they gathered as families to listen to King Benjamin's address. So when I got the chance I asked Alex if he was wanting to find a way to strengthen his family, he said yes so I had him read with us the first 6 verses and then asked him what he thought verse 5 was talking about. And after some thought he said that he thought it meant that he could strengthen his family by going to church. We then asked him if he would be willing to go to church with us on Sunday and he said yes!!
Miracles happen today!! I know it! There is no way that I thought of what to say on my own to either Sarah or Alex. I know that it was Heavenly Father telling me what to say when it needed to be said because I was seeking to do His will and know how to best help Sarah and Alex. The Lord really loves all of His children. I know I've said that many times but I've grown to understand what that means so much more. There are no words to truly describe how much He loves and cares for His children and yearns to have them return to Him again. I love being on a mission! It was given me the guidance and the time I've need to really grow closer to my Heavenly Father and develop a real relationship with Him. I love Him so much and I love my Savior Jesus Christ!! I know without them I am nothing, but through Them I can do anything. If you ever question that, or want to know that He is there you simply have to kneel down and pray to ask Him if He is listening. As you address Him, and then pour your hear out to Him, I promise that as long as you do it with a sincere heart, truly desiring to know He will answer you. You will feel an amazing sense of calm and of peace, such as you will not have felt before in this world because it is not given as the world giveth. He loves each and every one of you and wants you to talk to Him. I promise you this, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Sister Catherine Davis

I'm Alive!!

Hey everyone!!!

So I have to admit that I stole the subject title from my companion, Sister Rueckert. I just thought it was really fitting for how I feel today, for how wonderful it is to be alive!! This earth is beautiful!! Even though it is a little cold here in Utah, and by a little cold I mean it snowed in the mountains this morning. These past couple of days have been quite the whirlwind of activities. I arrived at the MTC to get whisked off to receive my name tag, books, find my apartment, and meet my companion. Then it was off to meetings, classes and orientations. I find it amazing because some of the people showing us around have only been here a week but you would never be able to guess that by how much they know.  By the time bed time came around I was so ready for it. 
Don't worry that wasn't all. I just accidentally hit the sent button. These computers are weird.
Speaking of silly things I've done so far. On the first day in class we were to role playing introducing each other with our companions and I accidentally introduced myself by my first name. Oops! Then when we were in a zone meeting I said my companion's name was Sister Rickfert (which really isn't that bad since her name is pronounced Rickert but still embarrassing since this is the Sister I will be spending the next 2 weeks with). Also, when I was asked to pray at this meeting I said it was a district meeting even though it was a zone meeting. But luckily enough nothing has been too scarring. After all if you are going to make mistakes, the MTC is the best place to make them. Everyone here is new and understands exactly how you feel, because they feel that way too. For those of you who don't know what a zone or a district is, just think about a mission as the equivalent of a state. A zone would then be liken unto a county and a district unto a city. My district is made up of 4 companionships, 2 elder and 2 sister for a total of 4 elders and 4 sisters. We realized this morning that I am the only one in my district that is not from Idaho or Utah, which is actually quite surprising since we have missionaries from all over the world here. But they had fun this morning asking me about what it's like in California, and if people from California ever call it Cali (No.) They have been a lot of fun though, we have only known each other for about 2 and half days but we already act like family which is amazing.
Other than that there hasn't been too much going on. We've been learning how to properly plan for lessons and how to study with the needs of those we teach as our number one priority. I've learned so much these past couple of days of how remarkably little we know. We are teaching an investigator today, it will be our first lesson with him so we really have to rely on what the Spirit tells us about him and what he needs to know. It's really an awesome experience as I sit discussing with Sister Rueckert about what we feel the Lord wants us to teach this individual. We have tried our best to prepare as we know how so we just hope and pray that the Spirit will be with us and with him as we testify to him of the love his Heavenly Father has for him, and God's desire to see Alex be happy in this life and then on into the eternities. Wish us luck!
Well that's about all I have time for today. Know that I love you and miss you all!! God and Jesus Christ love you too!! This I can testify of because I know it is true! See ya later!

Sister Catherine Davis

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Well after months of waiting it is finally that time. MTC here I come! For those who would like to keep up with what I am doing, my family should be updating this with my weekly e-mails. I would love to hear from you as well! If you want to e-mail me you can do so at

If you are more of the hand-written type, or want to send me packages* ;D, you can do so while I am at the MTC until October 14th. Just address it to:

Sister Catherine Anne Davis
2023N 900E Unit 843
Provo, UT 84602

*Note: Packages have to be sent via USPS

After October 14th you can send me mail at the mission home address:

Sister Catherine Anne Davis
Georgia Atlanta North Mission
1150 Cole Dr SW
Lilburn, GA 30047

Once I have been assigned to my first area I will be able to give a more direct address but the mission home address will work no matter where I am at.

And that's about it. I love the Lord, I love His Gospel and I love all of you!! See ya'll in 18 months!! But hopefully I'll be able to write to you sooner ;)

Lots of love,
Sister Catherine Davis